So what inspires you on a day when you have some free time?
What makes you "happy"?
I don't have to think very long on that at all.
I LOVE to create ...
It doesn't have to be something that someone else is already doing ...
Or something that is already happening out there.
I LIKE "original". It's me. Just me. What I like. What makes me tick.
Here are a few of my "favorite things" ...
This is a photo from a magazine that I found and liked ...
~ I placed this on my work-board. It cheers me up every time I look at it. ~

(Above) ~ These are stock cards, plain, from Target. I water colored them in my own way,...
To use as stationary. Cards came with envelopes and I specially designed each one to match the papers.
I love how the papers all turned out with a natural kind of "crinkly" texture ...
(Above) ~ Those "tags" I of spoke of earlier ... (I think...)
(Above) ~ You see, not as pretty when the sun isn't shining through them.
These are old photos too, thus the "blur".
You see all the "strings strung" across the windows for hanging things to "dry" on.
What FUN!
(Above) ~ Stationary ...
(Above) - More stationary ...
(Above) - Just a little "joy photo" I created from several photos put together.
The above, are little plain white envelopes and cards that I also did in food coloring.
I love the way they turned out. It gave them just enough "body" to create them to be unique.
It's just fun experimenting on your own to see what you can come up with.
And if "you" like it, well, it's all good.
Below is my old inspiration board.
I put this together gradually and it makes absolutely no sense to anyone but me.
My mother-in-law however, came and stood for quite some time...
Intrigued by what "intrigued me" to do this as I did. It was a compliment coming from her.
Below is a cake stand. I just filled it with things that, again, make me happy to look at.
I had, at one time, my kitchen counter lined with about three different ones ...
And I have others scattered thoughout the house.
I just try to make them fun filled.
This one is filled with different occasion napkins and my printer ink block letters.
Below is a little arrangement from a garden that my daughter did for us upon one of our visits to her.
Just very, very simple but tucked away in the neatest little places to enjoy!
Below, more flowers. They are peonies. My absolute favorites.
My daughter-in-law picked these and brought them to me for a Mother's Day gift.
I dried them and still have them to this day.
They were so special to me, I wanted to make a keepsake of them.
Below, is an antique buffet. My favorite one.
I hung all of my tags that I "hand died" and strung on clothes hangers ...
until I decided where to use them all.
Below, I wrote a poem and had the printers print out each line on fabric for me.
I cut the lines and then machine sewed them onto tags.
I put the tags all together as a little booklet.
I adore these.
This is a Prophetic Poem for America and a WARNING for the Churches in America in days to come ...
If they don't take "heed" to this "word" now.
(Below) - I used a meat thermometer to hold the booklet together until it was finished.
Below, one of the booklets ...
with a little stuffed heart I made out of antique quilts, little buttons and fabric.
They came out "perfect" ... to my taste anyway!
Below, more tags. This is how I place them around our home.
(Below) -- More and more tags.
Some of these are number blocks printed on different kinds of paper.
(Below) - One more photo of the papers that I work with ...
These are things that have brought "joy" to my days.
I've been just looking through old photos of what I've done in the past ...
And since a bone marrow transplant that took up nearly four years of my life ...
I've been trying to find the energy to do more today.
Bless you and bless your day.
Hope you have had some time to just "enjoy"what you enjoy!
Until next time...
This is Ginger Renken with Izzy Herriette & Co ...
In the Country with Rugged Country Collections!