Well, Rugged Country Collections was a little bit neglected this past 2014. So much went on with family this past year and little attention was able to be directed to something that I truly was passionate about.
As I look back, I wonder how that could happen. How did everything get so far removed from me? It took ministering, sharing much with Trunk Treasures/Teaching Moments with Izzy Herriette & Co and then nearly half of the year spent on family who encountered illness; including myself.
As you know, we don't believe in "illness, sickness or disease and malady". We believe in the Cross of Jesus Christ that stand as our deliverance from all such evils. (Is 53)
So, we are headed into 2015 with great hope, faith and love; first for the Father who took such awesome care of us in 2014, second for keeping His promises to us and third but not last, for being so close to us as we walked daily through the past year.
Everything we experience, as we cling to Him, becomes a "rose" of sweet smell and beauty. It is our lives unfolding before us.
How we SEE it all … depends upon our faith and trust in Him and His Word.
Here's to your great 2015!
All our love!
Izzy Herriette & Co
Rugged Country Collections
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